The forgotten people

There are a lot of people who have jobs that people that don’t realize. If people didn’t have certain jobs then nothing would be as it is. For example, a humane society worker. There job is important. If this job wasn’t a job and if nobody did this job, then there would be stray animals, and animals in danger everywhere. There are certain requirements to become a humane society worker. The requirements are you must be a high school graduate, must be at least over 18 years old and be able to preform any task asked. If you want to volunteer you must work 6 hours a month and work for at least 6 months. You must preform daily tasks, such as driving and looking for stray animals to pick up. You have to prepare reports for each animal. You have to feed, water and bath the animals. Take them out everyday, and clean their pens. Doing this job you make 30,000 dollars per year.

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